Hypnobirthing Experience

A New Old Way of Birthing

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Placenta Encapsulation: The pills you will most likely NOT share with your friends

I know what you are thinking, YIKES! But don’t turn the page just yet. Your placenta has still some use after delivery!  You can use it for postpartum healing, as it has been used for thousands of years in Chinese Medicine, and other cultures around the world.

The belief is that your baby’s placenta still retains many of its nutrients after birth.  Hence, the placenta can be dried, ground, and encapsulated so that the mother can take advantage of its consumption. 

These are my own placenta capsules :).  I am taking 2 a day at this point.  Your midwife or Placenta Encapsulation Specialist should provide you with the instructions for proper consumption and storage.




Some of its benefits are the replenishment of vitamins and minerals, balancing hormones, increased milk production, and curb postpartum depression.  Moreover, the capsules can be frozen for years to be taken during menopause.  Hence, by consuming the placenta in capsule form, the mother can aid her healing process and recover much faster!

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Increase Your Milk Supply with Milky!

As a new mom determined to exclusively breastfeed your baby, you know how important it is to maintain a good milk supply.  Thankfully, it is possible to increment  your milk production with herbal supplements.  The most popular herbs are Fenugreek, Brewers Yeast, Blessed Thistle, and  Red Raspberry. You may take these as capsules or even as teas.

Now there is one lactation-enhancing herbal tea in the market that I love.  It’s called Milky! Milky was launched by sisters and actresses Tia and Tamera, and it claims not only to boost your breast milk but to enhance its quality.  You are supposed to drink two 2.5oz bottles a day to see the results.  I did find it helpful plus I loved the strawberry flavor.

Here I am one day post c-section taking my first bottle of Milky :)!
